Tag: Free speech

June 4, 2024 /

In an era marked by misinformation, doubt and distrust, the liberal democracy is being attacked from several directions. Theoretical philosophy professor Åsa Wikforss stands in its defence, as she underlines the fundational elements of a functioning democracy, with knowledge, institutions, free debate and tolerance.

July 8, 2022 /

Would you be open to have a conversation with anyone, no matter how much you detest their opinions? Navid Modiri is a “conversational extremist” who invites a wide range of guests to his podcast, especially those he tends to disagree with. He speaks in this interview about genuine curiosity, the complexity in people and what he has learned from more than 200 podcast episodes.

June 22, 2022 /

Free speech is currently one of the most debated topics in many parts of the world. Should it be allowed to burn the Quran? Can speech be the same as violence? Are hate speech laws effective? Should we censor misinformation on Social Media? The questions are many and free speech expert Jacob Mchangama, the author of Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media, helps us to sort them out.

October 25, 2021 /

After having received death threats for writing a philosophical paper on after-birth abortion, Francesca Minverva started thinking about creating a journal focusing only on controversial papers. Her thoughts have now become reality, since she co-founded the Journal of Controversial Ideas together with Peter Singer and Jeff McMahan. She is fighting for academic freedom and against the cancel culture in today’s society.