Tag: Philosophy

June 4, 2024 /

In an era marked by misinformation, doubt and distrust, the liberal democracy is being attacked from several directions. Theoretical philosophy professor Åsa Wikforss stands in its defence, as she underlines the fundational elements of a functioning democracy, with knowledge, institutions, free debate and tolerance.

November 13, 2023 /

Swedish author Lena Andersson, known for her sharp and insightful writing, explores the complexities of human behavior in her latest book. She shares her thoughts on identity, gender, self-control and discipline, a meaningful life, as well as the ancient struggle between short-term desires and long-term goals.

March 2, 2022 /

He is one of Sweden’s strongest voices when it comes to humanism, secularism and rational thinking. Christer Sturmark is the founder of the publishing house Fri Tanke, which operates in the spirit of the Enlightenment. He has for many years debated pseudoscientists and advocates of religious influence in politics. His new book is called To Light the Flame of Reason.

October 25, 2021 /

After having received death threats for writing a philosophical paper on after-birth abortion, Francesca Minverva started thinking about creating a journal focusing only on controversial papers. Her thoughts have now become reality, since she co-founded the Journal of Controversial Ideas together with Peter Singer and Jeff McMahan. She is fighting for academic freedom and against the cancel culture in today’s society.

June 9, 2020 /

The philosophy of Stoicism has been around for thousands of years, but over the last decades its popularity has skyrocketed. Dr. William B. Irvine has is a philosopher and author with expertise in Stoicism. In this article he guides us through this philosophy and explains how it can help us to live a happier life.

May 3, 2020 /

Alex O’Connor, known from YouTube as Cosmic Skeptic, answers our questions about moral philosophy. Why isn’t it possible to define “good”? What is the Good Delusion? What does it mean when someone acts against their own moral principles? How did Alex handle the conflict between his moral principles and eating meat? And of course, what book would he recommend?

January 28, 2020 /

Rebecca Goldstein has a Ph.D. in philosophy of science from Princeton University and is the author of ten books. In this article she analyzes the relationship between science and philosophy, gives evidence of the progress of philosophy and discusses religion, morality and intellectual maturity.